Overview (History)
Cập nhật lúc 16:21, 14/03/2023 (GMT+7)

The University of Law, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU), is a long-standing and prestigious legal training and research center with a history of nearly half a century of establishment and development. Along with the historical progress of the country, the University has changed its name and legal status several times, but the liberal and pioneering academic tradition has always been maintained, inherited and developed over many generations:

- The Faculty of Legal Studies was established at the General University of Hanoi under Decision No. 1087 dated July 30, 1976 of the Minister of Higher Education and Professional Secondary Education (now the Ministry of Education and Training). This is the first university providing the bachelor’s program in law of the unified Vietnam;

- In 1979, implementing the policy of the Party and the State, the Faculty merged with the College of Law under the Legal Committee of the Government to form the Hanoi University of Legal Studies (now the Hanoi Law University);

- In 1986, the Faculty was re-established as a unit of the General University of Hanoi;

- In September 1995, the Faculty of Law became a unit of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities under Vietnam National University, Hanoi;

- On March 7, 2000, the President of Vietnam National University, Hanoi decided to upgrade the Faculty of Law from a Faculty of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities to a member school (School of Law) directly under Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

- On 23rd September 2022, the Prime Minister signed Decision No. 1124/QD-TTg on the establishment of the University of Law as a member university of Vietnam National University, Hanoi on the basis of VNU School of Law.

With the perseverance, enthusiasm, and creativity of many generations of lecturers, staff, and students, the VNU University of Law has always been considered one of the nation’s leading prestigious legal training and research centers, which promotes high-quality legal human resources and attracts enthusiastic and pioneering experts with the goal of becoming a research-oriented university of law that meets regional and international research standard.


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